The most important piece of the entire bottling line is without a doubt the PET Blowing Machine . This component is the only machine that has direct contact with the finished product and must therefore ensure maximum reliability in terms of hygiene and quality of the end product. This means preserving the product’s characteristics during the filling phase and being easy to clean or, when in contact with products that are particularly sensitive to contamination, being easily sterilized.


Of course, as mentioned above, automation often becomes a necessity simply due to the amount of product that must be produced! Automatic bottle fillers can produce a greater number of filled product in a shorter amount of time than using manual labor to hand fill or even fill in a semi-automatic fashion. This is probably the most obvious benefit of the equipment, as well as the most often cited motivation for adding automatic machinery.

Consistency and Reliability

In addition to speed, automatic liquid fillers offer both consistency and reliability above and beyond what is typically achievable by doing a fill by hand. Whether by volume, fill level, weight or otherwise, the automatic machines are accurate based on the filling principle being put to use. The removal of uncertainty and inconsistency is also a large benefit for packagers who need to hit specific production goals.


Automatic filling machines are manufactured to handle multiple container types and sizes, and can even run more than one product in many cases. Very few companies package one product in one container, but rather have a variety of products and/or containers that must be prepared for the end user. The versatility of automatic liquid fillers allows a packager to set up one machine to run many or all of the product and container combinations in use.

Easy Operation

Almost every automatic bottle filler will be centrally controlled by an easy to use, touch-screen operator interface. While the interface allows an operator to enter indexing times, fill durations and other settings, as well as turn on and off components of the machine, the Recipe Screen will likely be used more than any other. The Recipe Screen allows all of the settings for a bottle and product combination to be stored and recalled at the touch of a button! So as long as LPS has sample products and containers, automatic liquid fillers can often be primarily set up on the production floor by the touch of a button, about as easy as the operation of a filling machine can get.

Master Packing Co.,Ltd focus on Bottle Blowing Machine , if you interested in petblowingmachine, please visit petblowingmachine